
How hot is your sauna right now? Well, to be honest: Who cares? If it’s too cold, then it’s too cold, and if it’s too hot, then it’s too hot… But lot’s of people – including myself – still want to be aware of the facts. Therefore we made our “heat information meter” a most comprehensive graphic device to show the level of your fire. Both in Celsius and in Fahrenheit. Firemeter….


How hot is your sauna right now? Well, to be honest: Who cares? If it’s too cold, then it’s too cold, and if it’s too hot, then it’s too hot… But lot’s of people – including myself – still want to be aware of the facts. Therefore we made our “heat information meter” a most comprehensive graphic device to show the level of your fire. Both in Celsius and in Fahrenheit. Firemeter….

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